How Can I Love God After That?

I have a story today about a young man that loved God. Jerry spent most of his free time in the church volunteering to help the pastor, working in the church food bank, and he was an usher because he loved making sure everyone was taken care of during the services. His goal was to become a minister one day, and everyone felt God’s calling on his life; they all believed that he would make a good preacher. Something happened though which changed his life, Jerry’s little brother was struck down by a hit and run driver and killed. The police never found or charged anyone with the death of his brother, causing an anger and hatred to develop within the young man After the incident, Jerry stopped going to church and no longer volunteered there, doing the one thing he loved so much. Concerned over his spiritual welfare, the young man’s parents asked the pastor to speak with him. When the pastor visited with Jerry, he asked him why he no longer came to church. Jerry flatly stated, “how ca...