Garden of Life

This year my garden was not as spectacular as it was in the prior years because we moved just before the summer and did not have time to prepare the ground. However, I am reminded of my gardens in prior years which were filled with lovely dahlias, beautiful clematis’s, spectacular salvia, gorgeous corn-flowers, vibrant lobelias, and hanging baskets jam-packed with dazzling colorful flowering plants. And of course, I cannot forget the many vegetables I grew; large plump tomatoes, tasty zucchini, cucumber, onion, chives, lettuce, potatoes, spicy red and jalapeno peppers which were just a few of the many types. I had such a choice of delicious vegetables to choose from, sometimes I found it difficult to decide as to what I wanted to do with them or how to prepare the delicious veggie. Would I include it in a delightful garden salad, or perhaps barbeque skewers of tomatoes, zucchini or cucumber on the grille? With the flowers in my gardens, I always filled vases with them and mad...